1 Timothy 4:12 - Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
WATCh: We Are The Church
Hayden Bible Church Youth
Youth Discipleship
Youth Ministry/W.A.T.Ch (We Are The Church)
Helping our young people to fulfill the great commission by the study of God’s word. 1 Timothy 4:12 “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” We gather on Wednesday evenings throughout the school year from 6:00pm-8:00pm. We will be studying the book of Psalms during the 2024-2025 school year. We encourage our students to come prepared with prayer/worship journal and Study Bible to each session. We encourage the use of the inductive Bible study method. Each student will participate in small group sessions starting in September 2024. Our kick-off this year will be September 18, 2024 registration and sign-ups for upcoming events.
The first few sessions will be covering how to effectively use a Study Bible, How should we pray and why? The reason behind journaling and note taking in the life of the believer.
How do we fulfill the great commission? By studying God’s word and applying what we learn from the Holy Spirit to our individual lives. Students are encouraged to participate in worship which is student lead throughout the year under the direction of Karen Sanchez and Pastor Darryl. We also, have a Youth Choir for Junior High and High School, lead by Karen Sanchez.
Students are encouraged to prepare their hearts and minds for service in church and at Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp. We partner with InFaith Ministires sending young people to camp as workers for His glory. Part of our Youth Discipleship equips the student for service. We desire to help the student see God’s direction in their lives. We will gather together for worship to start the evening off; then break into our Junior High and High School groups for small group discussion and individual study of Psalms and John using the Inductive Bible study. We will come back together at the end of the evening for boys and girls small prayer groups. Ending our evening with a time of fellowship.
If you have any questions about W.A.T.Ch or Youth Discipleship we encourage you to ask questions and or join us and observe what is happening with this segment of God’s Church. We understanding the stress of school, church and life, here at HBC we have opportunities for students to get envolved in one on one discipleship and we have a Biblical Counseling Team also available for in depth counseling.
Blessings to you and your student,
Pastor Darryl Heisey
W.A.T.Ch. Youth Choir
To be added to the email list for special events and activities that happen throughout the year please join this group.